Sunday, May 15, 2011

sunday brunch

it had been weeks since i last saw my friends. the daily lunches we spent together gossiping and sharing stories in our common room at high school are long gone, leaving us with busy schedules and rare opportunities of reliving those midday gatherings. laura turned 19 last weekend, and trying to organise a time for us to spend a meal together was indeed a challenge, hence a sunday brunch proved to be the best option.

it was a lovely occasion. familiar faces, smiles and food, there couldn't be a better combination! there lay a platter of fruit, cheese, bread made from scratch by laura's nonna, smolked salmon and cream cheese, juice, and the most delicious chocolate cake baked by the birthday girl herself (she refuses to give me the recipe, sigh)
we stuffed ourselves, indulging in the variety of flavours placed in front of us whilst we chatted and caught up on each other's lives. and just when we thought we had had enough, rosina (laura's mum) brought out eggs and bacon along with sausages and pancakes with maple syrup while her dad toni served us tea. we devoured as much as we could, laughed and gossiped the afternoon away.

after the most glorious meal, we sat by the fire and talked. we could've been in a log cabin up in the mountains and i would not have known the difference, it was warm inside and the rustling trees and chilly winds outside were quickly forgotten. i wish i had a fireplace at home, the smell of burning wood and its crackling sounds fill a room up with a silence that is so peaceful and endearing.
as everyone returned back to their daily routines and the reality of assignments and work, laura and i sat down to a game of chess while shaan strummed away on a guitar, it was lovely.

 laura's chocolate cake
 a feast

 bacon and eggs

 laura's nonna and her fresh bread

 warming ourselves up by the fire

 an intense game of chess
 shaan strumming away 

i remember a day where i sat at a bus stop, and an old lady that was seated by my side spoke to me. she asked me what i did and what i hoped to be, and i learnt that she was a teacher who taught international students english in the city, she was an interesting character. i complained to her that the buses were always delayed and she replied saying "i don't rely on such things or plan my day around bus or train times, i look at them as opportunities". today after leaving laura's, i had a 50 minute wait for my bus home, and i remembered that old lady. why waste 50 minutes waiting on a bus? so i walked home. a long walk. and it was refreshing.


1 comment:

  1. I'm on an hour long bus ride home so it seems fitting that I read this post just when I was at my pinnacle of frustration.

    Thanks for bringing a smile to me.
